
Sabtu, 03 Desember 2016

Help cut off funding for terrorists!

Help Senator Graham get co-sponsors for this important legislation

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  Action Alert: End US funding for Palestinian terrorism. Stop Pay to Slay

Since the recent wave of Palestinian terrorism against Israelis began in September 2015, 42 innocent people have been killed and over 600 have been wounded. Because most of the attackers have chosen knives as their weapons, this groundswell of violence is known as the "stabbing intifada."

This is no random wave of violence. The Palestinian Authority (PA) is directly responsible for these attacks. The PA is supposed to be moderate. The PA is supposed to be Israel's partner for peace. Sadly, it is neither.

As we all know, the Palestinian Authority engages in constant incitement against Israel by teaching hatred of Israel and Jews in its textbooks, newspapers and television broadcasts.

What is less well known and even more troubling is the fact that the PA makes generous lifetime payments to these terrorists and their families. That's right, Palestinian legislation actually requires the PA to pay salaries to terrorists who've been jailed because they've murdered Israelis. And when terrorists die while attacking Israelis, the law requires that these payments be made to their families.

The U.S. gives close to $300 million in aid to the PA each year. This means that we are directly supporting an entity that funds terrorism against Israel. This aid must stop!

Senators Lindsey Graham recently introduced legislation that will stop American aid to the PA so long as it continues to fund terrorism. We want to help Senator Graham get co-sponsors for this important legislation. Please click here to ask your senators to co-sponsor this bill.

Graham's bill -- The Taylor Force Act- is named for a young American veteran who survived deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan only to be murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in Israel last March. Taylor's death should be a reminder that Palestinian terror is threat to all of us, not only Israel. And Taylor's memory should inspire us to stop funding this terror.

Help us end PA Pay to Slay email your senators today and ask them to co-sponsor the Taylor Force Act today.

Blessings to you and those you love,

Pastor John Hagee
National Chairman

David Brog

No Money for Murder


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