
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016

[Robo-Advisor Report Collection] Everything you need to know...

Save Nearly 60% on The Complete Robo-Advisor Research Collection

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The Complete Robo-Advisor Research Collection


If you're involved in the financial services industry at any level, you simply must understand the paradigm shift caused by robo-advisors.

Investors frustrated by mediocre investment performance, high wealth manager fees and deceptive sales techniques are signing up for automated investment accounts at a record pace.

And the robo-advisor field is maturing right before our eyes. Firms are figuring out on the fly how to best attract, service and upsell their customers. What lessons are they learning? Who's doing it best? What threats are traditional wealth managers facing? Where are the opportunities for exponential growth for firms with robo-advisor products or models?

One resource answers all these questions:

The Complete Robo-Advisor Research Collection

The acknowledged leaders in the field of wealth management research, MyPrivateBanking, have for the first time bundled all their most important research on robo-advisors into a single collection.

With one simple step, you can acquire the most comprehensive robo-advisor research ever assembled. Only The Complete Robo-Advisor Collection gives you a 360-degree view of the issues each important group is dealing with in this new world:

Investors: You'll learn what investors think about robo-advisors, what they want from them, and how much they're willing to pay for their services.

Robo-advisors: You'll discover best practices for acquiring and keeping clients, challenges that must be overcome and how the entire business model is evolving.

Traditional wealth-management firms: You'll see how your peers are incorporating robo-advisor features and online tools into their businesses, how robo-advisors are changing their established practices and how traditional firms are partnering with robo-advisors.

Nothing Like It Anywhere On the Market

You'll find this research collection is superior to any similar products for these reasons:

  • Depth of research — each element of the The Complete Robo-Advisor Collection has scores of insights, revelations and facts that add up to literally hundreds of ways for you to understand, adapt and use this exciting new trend in wealth management to grow your business.
  • Global scope — to evaluate the robo-advisor world, the researchers behind the report examined the 73 active robo-advisors across 13 countries—the most comprehensive survey yet.
  • Expert analysis — the authors of these materials have decades of experience in the financial services industry and have spent thousands of hours of research to uncover the truth about where the robo-advisor trend is going and why.
  • Informed evaluation and projections — the authors don't just report what's working today. They use their experience and industry knowledge to forecast where growth opportunities are and how the wealth management industry will look a decade from now.
  • Tremendous value — order today and you save nearly 60% off ordering each component of the The Complete Robo-Advisor Collection separately.

Here's what you get when you choose The Complete Robo-Advisor Collection:

1. Robo-Advisors 3.0 REPORT — How to Create the Best Customer Journey: From Onboarding to Reporting


The Complete Robo-Advisor Collection's centerpiece is this report breaking down the best practices and areas of improvement for 73 robo-advisors from around the world. Containing scores of insights big and small, it's THE resource you must have if you want to understand how robo-advisors are getting and keeping clients today.

Just a small sample of this report's discoveries include:

  • A soup-to-nuts review of the entire robo-advising process, including the 5 best practitioners in each critical process
  • How to structure the customer experience right, including service explanation, use of language, video, FAQs and more
  • Do's and Don'ts for the crucial customer assessment step
  • How best to present and optimize the client onboarding process
  • Complete breakdown of the client communication process, from outbound (blogs, market commentary) to inbound (customer service, chat, social media)
  • The best ways to report on portfolio performance, including examples of firms that have mastered this discipline where others have gone wrong
  • How to target robo-advisor features and services to millennials, boomers and high-net worth individuals
  • Dozens of valuable observations and recommendations to improve your website

This report on its own is worth the price of the entire package, but you get so much more when you acquire the The Complete Robo-Advisor Collection.

2. DATA APPENDIX: Robo-Advisors Comparison

An easily-viewable and -searchable spreadsheet of all the vital facts on the 73 robo-advisors put under the microscope in the Robo-Advisor 3.0 report. Now you can conveniently compare features and methods of the state-of-the-art robo-advisors and their websites, including:

Just a small sample of this report's discoveries include:

  • Type of robo-advisor
  • Convenience of the onboarding process
  • Client assessment method
  • Inbound and outbound communication methods
  • Financial planning features
  • Portfolio reporting

All robo-advisors are segmented by countries and robo-advisors with elements worthy of emulation are highlighted for your independent research.

3. REPORT: Hybrid Robos — How Combining Human and Automated Wealth Advice Delivers Superior Results and Gains Market Share


No area of robo-advising has bigger promise than "hybrid robos" — conventional wealth managers who adopt fully-automated processes to assess, enroll and asset allocate for their clients. This market segment is expected to explode to $3.7 trillion assets under management by 2020, and quadruple from there to $16.3 trillion by 2025.

In it, you'll learn:

  • The current state of play — 12 important developments that explain why hybrid robos are going to attract trillions in investable assets
  • How big hybrid robos will grow in the next 10 years and which market segments will be most attracted to them
  • Why robo-advisors are affecting every aspect of the wealth-management industry
  • How to harness hybrid robo trends to improve efficiency, service, recruiting, branding and upgrades to full-service wealth management
  • 5 valuable case studies that show you the top practitioners in hybrid robos today

This report is your key to understanding how robo and traditional wealth management services can work together.

4. REPORT: Investors' Attitudes Toward Robo-Advisors — Evidence From the US and the UK


An in-depth survey of 600 investors with net worth over $100,000 in annual income confirmed that online investment tools are well on their way to being as transformative to investing as mobile applications were for banking. Dozens of important new trends are revealed and explained in this invaluable report:

  • The important differences between US and UK investors
  • Why online investment tools are the perfect fit for an affluent but underserved audience
  • The most avid users of robo-advisors are not who you might think
  • Serious security and privacy concerns among prospective robo-advisor clients
  • Why in-person advice will never be fully eliminated
  • How much prospective clients are willing to pay for robo-advice

The report concludes with insightful recommendations for all investment firms about how to best use these attitudes to grow their businesses.

5. SLIDE DECK: Investors' Attitudes Toward Robo-Advisors Survey


The complete findings of the most in-depth robo-advisor survey to date, laid out in detail for you. This 74-page presentation reveals the current state of investor opinion about robo-advisors, broken down by demographic factors, investable assets and geography.

Among the insights you'll glean are:

  • Usage and familiarity with robo-advisor products
  • Openness to employing robo-advisors and online tools
  • Expectations about the robo-advisor process and online tools
  • Brand awareness of existing robo-advisor services
  • Satisfaction with existing financial advisors and money managers
  • Price sensitivity for robo-advisor services

But perhaps the most outstanding feature of The Complete Robo-Advisor Collection is…

You Can Save Almost 60% Off the Price of Buying Each Element Separately

If purchased individually, the elements of The Complete Robo-Advisor Collection would cost $8,270:


Robo-Advisors 3.0 - (87 pages PLUS data appendix): $2,755

Investors' Attitudes towards Robo-Advisors - (48 pages PLUS 3 slide decks with 210 data chart pages): $3,320

Hybrid Robo-Advisors 2016 - (66 pages): $2,195

But through this special offer, you pay less than half that amount — just $3,495 for all five elements of this valuable research.

You can exponentially raise your understanding of robo-advisors with this collection. Get it now by clicking the button below.

I Want The Complete
Robo-Advisor Research Collection

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