Featured Articles OK, we confess that the headline we've provided here may be a bit much, especially if you are a cynic at heart and also prefer Android tablets. We however believe the iPad Air is an innovative device in the truest sense of the word. Check out the slideshow we've provided here and decide for yourself. Canada has taken a step towards a new reality for cable television which, if ported to the United States, could radically overhaul the pay-TV business model. Its incoming Conservative government has pledged to mandate a la carte television packages. Earlier in the year, Sen. John McCain tried to do the same thing south of the border: the Arizona Republican prepared legislation that would let cable customers buy channels individually. But despite consumer interest and political will, don't count on a la carte coming to America anytime soon. Instead, look for digital innovation in the existing TV landscape. Sponsored By: Software Telco Congress - November 20-21, 2013 – Santa Clara, CA The Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) market is predicted to reach $6B by 2018. As network hardware begins to be replaced by software, carriers are expected to save money and benefit greatly from new levels of flexibility related to powering their network functions in private and virtual private clouds. Attend Software Telco Congress and learn how the move to software will: - reduce operator CAPEX and OPEX
- reduce power consumption
- reduce time-to-market for new network services
- speed ROI for new services
- allow for greater flexibility to scale up, scale down or evolve services
- provide opportunities to trial and deploy new innovative services at lower risk
- leverage open-source
 Among the news out of Asia this week is the revelation that HP is going to enter the 3D printer market. But, details remain vague on the type of device and market it will be targeted at. Is HP going big vs. small? As important as next generation network availability is, consumer demand is equally important, the latest study of U.K. Internet access shows. Amidst all the leaks and leak-based speculation that has gone on for the last four months, there really was not a whole lot that Apple announced at its event on Tuesday that we didn't already know about and anticipate. Our own most direct interest is in the iPads, but Apple certainly delivered on a number of worthwhile things. Further, as much as we all like to prognosticate and toss out guesses on such things as Apple wearable technology, we certainly were not anticipating any sneak announcements on this front. Ever since the advent of Excel spreadsheets and database management capabilities were offered on early PCs, the desirability of giving sales people tools that can make their lives easier and more productive has been a big market. From the first contact management software to Salesforce.com, this the goal of optimizing, monitoring and tracking the entire sales process has been an inviting target for solutions providers. If nothing else, Alcatel-Lucent CEO Michel Combes has been very visible lately. He has been aggressively making the case for the company's repositioning to an IP Networking and Ultra-Broadband specialist vendor The Shift Plan. Here is an interesting question. Shouldn't my company make it easier for me by getting rid of all of those passwords without compromising enterprise security? The answer is an obvious YES! However, the solution has been part of the ICT security industry's quest for the Holy Grail. And, while it might not be that the cup has been found, Dell seems to be on the path toward finding it with the announcement of four new additions to its rapidly expanding Connected Security portfolio. Featured Resources Advertise With Us Become a TechZone360 columnist! Become a TechZone360 columnist! Want to contribute your expertise to a growing audience of communications technology professionals? Become a writer, blogger or columnist for the TechZone360 Web site and this newsletter. Contact Erik Linask at elinask@tmcnet.com for details. |
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