
Jumat, 20 Juli 2018

Battle-royale games like 'Fortnite' are expected to make $20 billion in 2019

Battle-royale games like 'Fortnite' are expected to make $20 billion in 2019

Free-to-play game "Fortnite Battle Royale" recently passed the $1 billion revenue mark thanks solely to its in-app purchases, according to a new report from SuperData Research.

The multi-platform game sky-rocketed to super fandom following its release in fall 2017, and is now one of the many survival-based video games in which players are pitted against up to 100 other players to see who can fight their way to be the last one standing. These games are part of a genre known as "battle royale", and as this chart from Statista shows, it's a genre that's working for consumers and, as a result, for creators.

Battle Royale games are expected to make at least $2 billion in revenue in 2018 — about seven times the amount they made last year. As more studios jump on the trend, those amounts are expected to increase across platforms again in 2019 (more than double the 2018 revenue for Premium Consoles) increasing revenues twelve-fold within two years' time. 

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