
Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

10 Things In Tech You Need To Know This Morning, June 11

10 Things You Need To Know SAI

June 11, 2014


Good morning! It's rainy, and damp here in New York, let's dig into the news:

1. Google paid $500 million to acquire Skybox a satellite company that will delivering high resolution imaging to Google, which will be useful for Google Maps.

2. Here's a look at what Skybox does, and some of its potential applications.  Basically, it can take daily high-def photos allowing companies to monitor what's happening on the ground. A little creepy, when you think about it. 

3. Skybox is part of the "nanosats" trend which is small, low-cost satellites that get blasted into space and track everything happening here on Earth. There are a bunch of startups exploring the market.

4. Amazon is planning a new marketplace for local services like plumbers, painters, and babysitters. If you've ever tried to hire people to do work on your house, you know how valuable a good solution could be.

5. Facebook's "Paper" app is struggling. Daily users are down to basically nothing, and engagement is weak.

6. The EU is launching a probe into Apple's Irish tax deal.

7. Taxi drivers in Europe are planning big demonstrations/protests against Uber.

8. Sony says it is on track to deliver an internet-based TV service by the end of the year. 

9. Google is working on software for utility companies to help them more efficiently manage delivery of electricity to consumers' homes. 

10. Amazon is in a fight with Warner Bros. now, and as a result, it's stopped taking pre-orders for the Lego Movie, and other moviesThe fight has been going since Mid-May, but is only getting attention now because of Amazon's fight with Hachette.

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