
Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and More Join to Give Inspirational Message to Today's Youth - TechZone360

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For earlier generations, the differences of our youth to theirs grow increasingly drastic; however, this week, some of technology's biggest names joined forces and stepped forth to encourage today's youth to take advantage of something that earlier generations never had, and something they should seek to learn: technology - namely, coding.
Like it or not, bad news sells. And, when it comes to business headlines, a dominant theme has been cyber-based security breaches at major companies around the world. Reality is no company, or as we also know no government, is immune from being attacked by those will malicious intent.
One of the big buzz around the RSA show in San Francisco was about the changing nature of the role of IT in protecting the enterprise. Indeed, an emerging and important part of that changing role revolves around how cloud-based security as a service (a new variation on SaaS) for a host (pardon the pun) of sound technology and business reasons can, probably should and likely will be an important part of the mix going forward. This despite the early skepticism by large enterprises of the security of cloud services themselves.
You might not be surprised to learn that mobile and tablet users watch significant amounts of video on their devices. But Ooyala says the hours spent watching streaming video on tablets and mobile increased 100 percent in 2012.
While applications you can access via your device of choice were developed as ways to keep you both entertained and informed, some are doing a little less alerting and little more abusing. Take a look at the Wake N Shake Alarm Clock for example, a new app that wakes you from your sound slumber by shaking violently until your turn it off.
Recently, many businesses that operate from a website have been trying to figure out a way to continue profiting in the mobile world. As users begin to use mobile devices more and more often, even big companies like Facebook have had some difficulty with the transition.
Last June, the Department of Defense released its first mobile defense strategy with its plan to improve and incorporate three areas: wireless infrastructure, mobile devices and mobile apps. The government has been developing an IT infrastructure for a year that would withstand the security measures that the department upholds as part of its operations in order to properly align with the mobile device market.
Commtouch, an Internet security technology and cloud-based services vendor, has just released a new security report that pointedly notes that Q4 2012 brought with it an "exponential" rise in Android malware and Web threats specifically targeting mobile users. Needless to say, but we'll note it anyway, the significant rise in Android malware comes at a time of explosive Android growth at the lower end of the smartphone market, where users are likely to be both less sophisticated and less worried about mobile device security - it's not a happy thought.
Consumers have demonstrated a clear preference for engaging with content on smartphones using mobile apps, which account for about 80 percent of U.S. mobile time spent interacting with mobile apps, rather than the mobile Web, according to comScore. If you guess that's why brands now spend so much time on "apps," you're right.
In something of a turnaround from what is becoming progressively the norm, Yahoo's CEO Marissa Mayer announced that remote workers will be forcibly relocated starting this June. The word came in from several Yahoo employees who supplied copies of the memo from human resources head, Jackie Reses, on the rule in question to the press - and according to the rest of the company, flexibility for Yahoo on this point will be at a minimum.

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