
Senin, 17 April 2017

INSTANT MBA: A Yelp recruiter who's interviewed hundreds of people shares her 2 favorite interview questions


April 17, 2017


Yelp senior sales recruiter Kristin Carlson says it's important not to expect a "flat Q&A" session when interviewing at San Francisco-based company.

"For example, we're a big fan of role-playing because not only is it a chance for us to see your natural charm and wit, it also gives you a snapshot of what you'll do in the job," Carlson, who's hired 253 people at Yelp, told Business Insider.

"Honestly, I'm less concerned about your 10-year plan and more interested in how well you would perform in the job specifically at Yelp," Carlson says. "We're big on learning and growing here, so one of my favorite questions is, 'Tell me about a time where you really had to work hard to learn something. Here's a hint: 'Algebra' or 'French 101' aren't the best responses."

The goal is to reveal not only your capacity for learning, but your passions. That also fits into one of Carlson's other go-to questions: "What makes you un-boring?"

"Did you recently try something new, pick up a hobby or push yourself completely out of your comfort zone? You're on the right track if you display the ability to think on your toes and provide a detailed, genuine answer," she told Business Insider.

So, if you snag an interview at Yelp, don't just expect the standard behavioral questions. Make sure you're able to talk about your own interests and passions — and how they establish you as a great fit for the job.

SEE ALSO: A look inside the New York office of Yelp, a $3 billion company that offers its 4,000 employees around the world some of the most incredible perks

DON'T MISS: A recruiter at Yelp shares the 2 best questions you can ask in a job interview

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