
Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017

[Newsletter] Are you looking for daily insight?

The single resource that can put you at the forefront of the IoT.
BI Intelligence

The IoT Briefing from BI Intelligence

The single resource that can put you at the forefront of what's happening in the future of the IoT.

IoT Briefing - Only $10/week!

It's nearly impossible to stay on top of all the important developments in the IoT industry that are impacting your company, your bottom line, your career, and even your future.

In the exploding world of IoT technology, not a day goes by without another development that could change everything you currently know on the topic.


Getting the right idea from the right research at the right time can give you the edge over your competitors and allow you to adjust your strategies quickly.

Our IoT Briefing is Here to Help

If you want to succeed at ANY aspect of the Internet of Things, you've simply got to know what's happening all around you. But it's easily a full-time job just to follow the news...and an even bigger job to try to make sense of it.

So don't. Let us do it for you.

No one else attends the conferences, digs into technical journals, analyzes the reports, and brings it all to you in a simple, easy-to-understand format like the IoT Briefing, a daily newsletter from Business Insider Intelligence.

With our IoT Briefing, you'll know the newest and hottest technologies, the breaking deals, the important trends and the shifting landscape.

More importantly, you'll know what to do with this knowledge.

Join Today Risk Free

Too many other tech information sources just take press releases and news articles and slap a different headline on them.

Our IoT Briefing gives you the context around critical developments in IoT technology so that you can run your business more efficiently, more profitably and more successfully. We strive to uncover the most important trends and insights to help you plan for the future.

And we have no shortage of insights to share, because...

The Internet of Things is the Next Industrial Revolution

The IoT will change the way all businesses, governments, and consumers interact with the physical world. It doesn't matter what your industry is, nothing will be left untouched by the IoT revolution.

Our IoT Briefing will help you stay ahead of the curve and get ahead of the competition.

Join Today Risk Free

The Internet of Things is revolutionizing industries and changing the face of our world.

To take a single example, the ability to bring internet connection to nearly every type of consumer device will have huge implications for the insurance industry over the next five years. Insurers looking to cut costs, improve business practices, and better assess clients' risk levels, will increasingly invest in the Internet of Things.

Some auto and health insurers are already offering a new type of insurance — usage–based insurance (UBI) that uses IoT devices to track clients' activity and offer discounts or rewards for healthy and safe behavior. We expect 17 million people will have tried UBI auto insurance by the end of this year.

It's the same all over—the IoT is the cutting edge and where you need the most help in staying on top of all the fast-moving developments.

The Edge You Need to Succeed Personally and Professionally

Our IoT Briefing gives you the news and insights you need in clear, no-BS format. If we ever use industry jargon, it's because it's necessary.

Our IoT Briefing has no agenda beyond helping you understand the digital world better. We don't do sponsored research or "pay to play" deals like some of our competitors. We're not trying to sell you a product, pitch you a stock or make you a true believer of any worldview.

What we are trying to do is simple:

  • Give you the insights you need to make smarter decisions
  • Tip you off to new trends that can disrupt your existing business or open up exciting new opportunities
  • Reveal what your competitors are doing so you can stay one step ahead of them
  • Help you make the right moves to grow your business and advance your career
Our IoT Briefing Speaks Directly to YOU

When you read our IoT Briefing, you know the most important news and events that happened in the IoT ecosystem in the last 24 hours. Not just news about deals, but data-driven insights that provide context and explain why things are happening now...and what's going to happen next.

- We follow the data and the numbers—no matter where they lead.

- We assume you have a baseline understanding of the big picture—we skip the obvious and simplify the tech-speak and get to the point.

- We hate to see our data and insights rotting on a desk—we want it used by those who can most benefit from it. So we invite you to share it occasionally with others inside your organization.

- We know you're busy. If something can be said in 1 sentence rather than 5, you'll get it in 1. Better yet, if a chart or graph tells the story best, you'll get that instead!

- And most importantly, we pull no punches.

But no matter how great we tell you our IoT Briefing is, the only way for you to see for yourself how valuable it can be is to try it.

That's why we'd like to offer you…

Our 100% Guarantee of Satisfaction

We know that there's a lot of hype in the world of emerging technology, and you may be disposed to be wary of buying something that disappoints you, so let us back up our promise about the benefits of our IoT Briefing with our satisfaction guarantee.

Just try our IoT Briefing for 14 days to see if it is as good as we say it is.

At any time during those 14 days, you can get every dollar of your subscription fee back if you don't like what you see.

100% Money-Back

Anytime. For any reason. Or even no reason at all.

Keep everything you've received— all the issues, all the intelligence—with our thanks for giving our IoT Briefing a try.

As an added bonus — if you join today, you'll get the following for absolutely FREE!
IoT Networks Report - FREE!

The IoT Networks Report
($495 value — yours FREE!)

BI Intelligence's IoT Networks Report examines these different networking technologies, their pros and cons, and how well they are positioned for future growth in the IoT market. We also outline how different networks are best suited for connecting specific types of IoT devices, including connected cars, drones, smart home devices, and wearables.

Are you 100% certain that you're on top of the
fast-moving IoT Ecosystem?

The Internet of Things isn't slowing down—it's speeding up.

Join Today at No Risk

This is your opportunity to take advantage of this impending industrial revolution, so grab it!


The IoT Briefing Research Team — BI Intelligence

P.S. Remember, you risk nothing by giving IoT Briefing a risk-free try. You receive a full refund if you cancel in the first 14 days. With nothing to lose and so much to gain, sign up today!

BI Intelligence
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