
Senin, 18 Juli 2016

INSTANT MBA: A common job-interview question about theft is a trap — here's how to answer it


July 18, 2016


There are thousands of weird or awkward questions that a hiring manager could ask you during a job interview. But one you might actually want to prepare for is: "Have you ever stolen a pen from work?"

According to James Reed, author of "Why You?: 101 Interview Questions You'll Never Fear Again," and chairman of Reed, a top job site in the UK and Europe, hiring managers sometimes ask this one.

The thing is, we've all taken a pen or two, so if you say that you haven't, then they might think you're a liar. But if you say that you do it all the time and act like it's no big deal, then that could be problematic, too.

Reed writes in his book that saying something like "I have once or twice taken a pen from the office in an emergency but I have always returned it the next day or the day after" is a terrible response. Why? The interviewer knows that pen is still on your desk at home and might challenge you.

He suggests going with something more realistic, like:

"Well, I'd be lying to say I haven't ever absentmindedly slipped a ballpoint into my jacket pocket, but it usually ends up back on my desk the following day, unless I leave it at home. I haven't got a spare room full of paperclips and staplers, though, if that's what you mean."

Click here to find out how to answer eight other awkward interview questions.

SEE ALSO: 29 brilliant questions to ask at the end of every job interview

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