 In every industry, women are paid less on average than men for doing the same work. Based on more than 534,000 salary reports shared on the job review site, Glassdoor recently found that women earn on average $0.95 cents for every dollar men earn when you take into account a person's age, education, years of job experience, job title, employer, and location. That's an adjusted gender pay gap of 5.4%. Overall, when comparing all men to all women, Glassdoor found women earn 24.1% less than what men earn, or $0.76 on the dollar. That number is similar to what the US Census Bureau reports, which is that women in the US working full-time, year-round are paid $0.79 for every dollar paid to men. The gender pay gap varies based on industry, reaching as much as 7.2% for the health care and insurance industries, and shrinking to 2.5% for the aerospace and defense industry and agriculture and forestry industry, where women earn on average almost the same amount as men — but still less.
 SEE ALSO: These are the only 11 jobs in the US where women earn more than men DON'T MISS: Hillary Clinton busts 3 of the biggest myths about pay equality |
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