
Kamis, 19 November 2015

Fighting the Next War - infoTECH Spotlight

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We're all actively fighting a war online, whether we know it or not. Criminals go after our personal information, our infrastructure, and our deepest secrets. It's a war that various portions of the military are taking more seriously, as spending on cybersecurity globally is expected to reach $10 billion in 2015.
Cyber attacks are becoming more impactful with a broader set of repercussions, according to new data from Trend Micro. The company has released its Q3 Security Roundup Report, finding that data breaches and other attacks are having a bigger impact on enterprise earnings as well as the physical safety and privacy of individuals.
Avanan made a global splash today, exiting stealth mode with a one-click solution for applying advanced security technologies to cloud and SaaS applications and data. The new company, which is based in New York City with research and development in Israel, aims to make legacy enterprise security solutions available for easy deployment in the cloud.
From Target (News - Alert) to Sony, and Anthem to Ashley Madison, no company is immune to the risk of cyber-attacks and the resulting loss of customer information. Network security solutions can reduce the risk of attack, but these solutions face an unexpected adversary: SSL encryption.
To help organizations identify intruders so they can root them out, Vectra built software that uses machine learning and behavior analysis to identify patterns that occur during attacks and seek out intruders before they figure out what they want to destroy or steal and tunnel it out of the network.
Companies that offer security solutions can get to market faster by leveraging technology from SafeLogic, the company's CEO Ray Potter told me in an interview last week at TMC Editor's Day Silicon Valley.

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