
Jumat, 19 Juni 2015

Winning Apps Don't Make Users Tap Out - TechZone360

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In the wild world of mobile apps - and it is wild, with more than 1.5 million apps available to mobile users (as of May, Google Play topped the app markets with that figure) - the key is not only developing an app that addresses a need (demand), but also one that creates instant attachment (desire). There are many factors that go into each of the two 'D's, but fundamentally, if you design with them in mind, you're on the right path.
The Ponemon Institute's 2015 Cost of Data Breach Study showed a 23 percent increase in the total cost of a breach from 2013 to 2014. In other terms, companies paid an average of $154 per lost or stolen record. Multiply that by the hundreds of millions of records that were compromised last year, and it's clear to see that we have a security crisis on our hands.
Comindware looks at how and what enterprises need to change in a digital world where change is the dominant constant.
Facial recognition continues to be a hot-potato topic for consumer advocates, who want stringent rules around how such data can be collected and used. Its use in commercial settings-for recognizing returning shoppers, for instance, to serve them targeted messaging-has kicked off privacy concerns on several fronts.
China and the U.S. are in a race to see who can get self-driving cars on the road first in mass and while the U.S. is ahead technologically, China has its government behind the effort suggesting they will actually get there first. There is more than just bragging rights at play here however as self-driving cars will bring with them massive changes in the auto industry, Internet of Things (IOT) market tied to smart cities, and they'll likely have a significant impact on the productivity of the country (not to mention the mortality rate) of the country that gets this done first.
For many, migration to the cloud is a prospect as grim as a sky portending storms. And yet, businesses big and small are drawn to its undeniable silver linings: flexibility-especially for growing businesses-and cost efficiency. Nevertheless, many companies that rely on cloud services for business remain wary of connectivity and control, and for good reason: the route cloud services are delivered on can significantly affect the quality of a service or application as it is delivered to a customer.
Atlanta, Raleigh-Durham, Charlotte, Chattanooga, and Huntsville can all boast about their latest and forthcoming broadband deployments. The South is shaping up to be a battleground for gigabit-and faster-speeds, but it isn't clear who the winners and losers will be when the smoke clears.
It was reported today that the Houston Astros' database was allegedly breached with the possible culprit being none other than the St. Louis Cardinals-currently holding the best record in baseball at 42-21. The Times claims, if reports are true, this would be the first case of corporate espionage involving professional sports teams.

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