| | | 10 Things You Need To Know SAI | | | | | | | April 18, 2014 | Advertisement
 Good morning! Friday is here! Let's start it with news: - Zynga is trying to make a comeback with a mobile version of FarmVille. This is the first major game launch from new CEO Don Mattrick who was previously running Xbox for Microsoft. The real question, we suppose, is why did it take this long to do a mobile version of FarmVille.
- Pew did a survey of what people are expecting from technology in the future. 81% of people think we'll be growing our body parts in a lab. 39% expect teleportation.
- Microsoft has sold 5 million Xbox 360s. For context, Sony has sold 7 million Playstation 4s.
- Jeff Jordan, former CEO of Open Table and now a partner at Andreessen Horowitz, has a blog post on how to be a manager of a hyper-growth company.
- Once again, someone is baffled by the fact that Yahoo's core business might have a negative valuation. Yahoo's stakes in Alibaba and Yahoo Japan appear to be 100% of Yahoo's valuation. Investors don't do perfect sum of the parts valuations.
- Dropbox is snapping up little companies to bolster its suite of products. It bought Hackpad, which is for collaborative documents, and Loom, for photo sharing.
- Remember camera company Lytro? It made a cool rectangular camera that let you focus on different parts of the photo after the fact. Its main feature has been copied, so Ina Fried asked what it's up to now. The company says its photos are data rich, and about more than focusing.
- China's version of Twitter, Weibo, had a surprisingly strong first day of trading. It was up 19% by the end of the day after opening below the IPO pricing, which priced at the low end of its range.
- Facebook launched a new, opt-in, feature that allows you to show your friends where you are continuously, so that you can meet up in real life if you're near each other.
- Our theory on what went wrong with Google Glass — the limited release backfired. We could be over thinking this one. It's possible it's just a flawed product, but we think the limited release hurt it quite a bit.
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