
Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Was Nokia Stupid For Going With Windows?

Business Insider: The Microsoft Investor

Business Insider: The Microsoft Investor

Business Insider: The Microsoft Investor

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Thursday, July 5, 2012
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Courtesy of Yahoo! Finance


MSFT Down With Markets 
Markets are off despite a fall in initial jobless claims. Shares of MSFT are off with tech. Catalysts for the stock include Windows 8, Windows Server 8, Office 15 and Windows Phone 8; expansion in the smartphone market with primary hardware partner Nokia as well as tablet market with Surface; strides in cloud computing; profitability in the online business, including integration of Skype; and continued evolution of Kinect and next generation Xbox. The stock currently trades at 7.7x Enterprise Value / TTM Free Cash Flow.

Nokia CEO Should Be Fired For Going With WP Instead Of Android (The Next Web)
Former Apple executive and investor Jean-Louis Gassée criticizes Nokia’s board for allowing CEO Elop to overstate the impact of the Windows Phone products before they were released, also pouring scorn on the company for making its new range of devices all by obsolete months before Microsoft’s Windows Phone 8 platform would be released. "I told them to drop everything and go Android. Do it in secret and let the rumors fly… I would have used Nokia’s design flare to make very nice phones." Read »

Gates Thinks The Surface Will Give The iPad A Run For Its Money (Electronista)
Bill Gates was interviewed on Charlie Rose recently. In addition to claiming that the Surface was "a completely new form factor," he suggested that the device will establish that companies don't have to create a tablet-specific OS that makes "compromises" for touch use and certain kinds of "heavy lifting" computing. "You can have everything you like about a tablet and everything you like about a PC all in one device. And so that should change the way people look at things," Gates said. He also talks about Microsoft's short-comings on the original tablet (back in 2000) as well as why it had to punch its PC partners in the guts.Read »

Lenovo Might Be Making Custom Windows Phones (SlashGear)
Lenovo has reportedly petitioned Microsoft for the Nokia-style freedom to modify Windows Phone for its own range of devices, dispatching R&D execs to Microsoft HQ to request more OEM flexibility. The company told Microsoft that it was less interested in developing pure Windows Phone 8 devices and that it hoped to customize the smartphone platform in terms of UI and other aspects. Lenovo confirmed plans to launch at least one Windows Phone last year, suggesting at the time that it would be the second half of 2012 when we saw the handset arrive.  Read »
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Heather Leonard is a former tech research associate at Goldman Sachs. She is the author of The Apple Investor, The Google Investor as well as The Microsoft Investor at Business Insider. When she's not keeping up with tech giants, she's either acting, writing TV shows or consulting private companies.
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