September 14, 2011 SCREW IT! It's All Yours For a Buck... Let's just cut to the chase shall we? Are you looking for a mentor with a proven track record that can guide you and your business to higher profits and success? If you are, then keep reading because this is your small window of opportunity to get one-on-one weekly coaching directly with ME, for just $1 dollar! Here's the Deal... As many of you know I've been running my inner circle, The "All-Access" coaching club for over 3 years now. In fact, we have over 450 paying members who continue to pay me month after month for one simple reason.... The mentoring I give them ends up making them MORE money than they pay me. A lot more! Not to mention I pretty much "give away the entire farm" to my All-Access members. Meaning, they get ALL my front-end products for FREE. Incredible Products Such As: -
InstantFBOptin -
FooterFX -
Product Creation Blueprint -
Instant Authority -
Instant SEO Secrets -
The Net Success Formula -
Monthly Video Training -
Monthly Special Reports -
Monthly copies of the Net Success Journal -
...and yes, MUCH more! (in fact there's WAY to much to try and list here) So What's All This Catch? Well, it's simple really. The #1 driving factor behind why I'm in business is this... I LOVE helping people succeed Online. It's true. NOTHING gives me a greater sense of self-worth and sense of reward than seeing others succeed, and knowing that I played a part in their success -- NOTHING. In fact, it means so much to me that I want to give YOU complete access to me including weekly one-on-one coaching calls, plus access to ALL the materials in the All-Access members area for just $1 dollar! Yup, you read that right...just ONE DOLLAR!! So if you're feeling stuck and unable to get past a sticking point, I'm here for you. If you'll let me, I can help you that same way I have so many others. Together, one-on-one, we will discuss your unique challenges and I'll provide you the knowledge, training, tools and resources that YOU need personally. Obviously, because of the personal time I spend with each entrepreneur, I can only accept a small number of new students. Therefore, I suggest that you jump on this now before I'm forced to close the doors once again. So if you're tired of banging your head against the wall, in complete frustration, not knowing which way to turn, click here now and together let's take your business to new levels of success and profits! I look forward to working with you. To YOUR Net Success, Glen Hopkins P.S. When you click here to order you will be taken directly to the order form. You won't see some fancy sales letter simply because this coaching program is exclusive. I rarely take on new students, and I rarely offer access to outsiders. P.P.S. This is your chance. When you join right now you'll get instant access to everything listed above plus a TON more in the members only area. | You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed or purchased at a Net Success Systems website. |
Net Success Systems Inc., Suite 433, 800-15355-24th Ave, Surrey, BC V4A 2H9, CANADA
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