
Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

Rob Ford Claims He Was 'Set Up' By Jimmy Kimmel After Appearing On His Show

Politics Select
March 04, 2014
Rob Ford Claims He Was 'Set Up' By Jimmy Kimmel After Appearing On His Show Rob Ford Claims He Was 'Set Up' By Jimmy Kimmel After Appearing On His Show

Crack smoking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford claims he was 'set up' by late... Read »
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Democrats Are Getting Destroyed In Key Senate States
Democrats Are Getting Destroyed In Key Senate States
Republicans have a large, 8-point advantage among voters in states with...  Read »
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Obama Still Wants To Kill Wall Street's Favorite Tax Loophole
Obama Still Wants To Kill Wall Street's Favorite Tax Loophole
President Barack Obama is releasing his budget for fiscal year 2015...  Read »
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US Ambassador To The UN Samantha Power Just Ripped Into Russia At A Security Council Meeting
US Ambassador To The UN Samantha Power Just Ripped Into Russia At A Security Council Meeting
United States Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power ripped...  Read »
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Anti-Gay Scouting Group Says It Was 'Horrified' The AP Published This Photo
The leader of a Christian alternative to Boy Scouts that does not allow...  Read »
Paul Ryan Could Be The GOP's Secret Weapon In 2016 — If He Wants To Run
With polls showing New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's status as a...  Read »
OBAMA WARNS: Ukraine Invasion Will Be 'A Costly Proposition For Russia'
President Barack Obama said Monday that Russia is "on the wrong side of...  Read »
Attorney Says FBI Agent Visited Landlord Of Former Christie Aide
Attorney Says FBI Agent Visited Landlord Of Former Christie Aide
An attorney for Governor Chris Christie's former campaign manager Bill...  Read »
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UN Security Council To Hold Emergency Meeting On Ukraine
UN Security Council To Hold Emergency Meeting On Ukraine
The United Nations Security Council will hold an emergency meeting...  Read »
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Netanyahu: Palestinians Aren't Helping The Peace Process
Netanyahu: Palestinians Aren't Helping The Peace Process
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Palestinians are not...  Read »
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WHITE HOUSE: 'When It Comes To Soft Power, Vladimir Putin Has No Game'
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Here's Why Obama Thinks His Foreign Policy Is Working
Here's Why Obama Thinks His Foreign Policy Is Working
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NY's Top Lawyer Responds To A Vicious Article That Some People Think Was Retribution From Donald Trump
NY's Top Lawyer Responds To A Vicious Article That Some People Think Was Retribution From Donald Trump
Damien LaVera, a spokesman for New York Attorney General Eric...
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