YouTube said President Donald Trump's channel now has its first strike and that comments will be disabled over "safety concerns."
| | | | YouTube said President Donald Trump's channel now has its first strike and that comments will be disabled over "safety concerns." Quant hedge funds' poor performance last year didn't stop hedge fund-seeder New Holland Capital from backing new launch Red Cedar. Signal saw 7.5 million downloads following WhatsApp's announcement, a 4,200% increase on the previous week. Telegram downloads surged 91%. After Parler's ban, MeWe has emerged as one of the go-to alternatives. Now it's hiring moderators to stop "lawbreakers" and "violence inciters." The internal memo, reviewed by The Information, was sent after Facebook suspended President Donald Trump's account in the wake of the Capitol siege. Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are now Roblox's lead financial advisors for its direct listing. Shares could start trading as soon as mid-February. Chuck Schumer said the "first order of legislative business" is another federal rescue package that includes direct payments among other measures. Everyone knows names like Coatue, D1 Capital, and Pershing Square had a banner 2020. Here are some less-known managers who crushed it. Investors looking for shorter term payoffs should look at the outfits developing the tech that will enable the likes of Joby and Lilium to take off. Flynn Restaurant Group nearly doubles in size by adding Pizza Hut and Wendy's to its portfolio, and grows yearly sales to $3.5 billion | | | | | |
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