I was privileged to join Verizon’s Partner Solutions as a guest speaker this year in Phoenix. The partners included almost everyone you would think was a competitor, but the reality is that cooperation is real in telecom. It was a very nice location, with very nice meetings and I had the chance to listen to Eric Cevis, President of Verizon Partner Solutions.
Cevis ran through the new marketing campaign called “Better Matters”, which is focused on Better Network, Better Relationships, Better Experience, and Better Offerings. It’s nice marketing, which is easy to say, easy to relate to, and it’s certainly going to be reflected in future presentations.
However, the real part that caught my ear was the pain-point of the partners he was addressing. Verizon’s partners are managing the migration of POTS. A giant piece of the puzzle is the entrance facility for business customers who have been laggards. Read More
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