
Jumat, 24 April 2015

My Neighbor and Your Enterprise Data Privacy: They're Not as Unrelated as You Think - TechZone360

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If you give your house key to your neighbor, he has the opportunity to snoop around through your vinyl album collection. That has lessons for enterprise security (with fewer copies of David Bowie to worry about).
The workplace is changing before our eyes. It is no longer about a physical environment. Getting up and going to work in the morning no longer means performing the same tasks with the same devices operating on the same technology each day, let alone doing it in the same physical location. For any number of roles within a growing spectrum of industries and markets, the workplace can be as varied as New England weather.
Get your next-gen stats here! Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MBLAM) this week launched next-generation stats league-wide that it hopes will captivate TV fans, help commentators and attract those at the game - all while providing precious data for use by teams to evaluate the performance of their players.
The world is changing. Business used to be straightforward - you create or produce something, then you market and sell it. There was always some level of ownership involved; and there's always been some level of local infrastructure in play. But, today, when you look at some of the most successful businesses in the world, they don't own or produce their own products.
The highly anticipated wireless service from Google becomes a reality today, as the Wall Street Journal has confirmed the release of what may or may not bring U.S. service providers to their knees.
Millennials are drinking. That in and of itself might come as a shock to those of us a bit more long in the tooth. While the older end of generation X is already entering the maintenance phase of middle age that sees people adopting fitness routines to stave off the ravages of youthful excess, the 30 and under set are chugging Pabst Blue Ribbon with wild abandon.
The term over-the-top may not be immediately familiar when applied to television-some here might even think it's a reference to content that's too zany, violent, or racy for anyone's own good-but in this context, it's the term for television provided through subscription services, often on a streaming basis. Services like Netflix and Hulu fall into this bracket, and a new report from Juniper Research says that by the time our next president is a little more than halfway through the administration, the market for over-the-top (OTT) will increase four times over.
Fraud and breach are two words that no merchant wants to hear in relation to their business. Confusing fraud for a breach-or assuming they are the same thing-can lead to panic, overreaction and unfortunate unintended consequences. Knowing the difference between fraud and a breach, and what each means to your business, can avoid overreactions and costly mistakes.
Earlier this year Jaguar announced they were working on an augmented reality system for their cars, and last Sunday BMW's Mini organization-using Qualcomm's Vuforia-announced a competing idea. Both promise to vastly improve safety and convenience, but their approaches to this next frontier of driving are very different. Be aware that augmented reality, or placing virtual elements in real-world views, is an interim step to self-driving cars, and should help the car drivers of today better interface with the self-driving cars of tomorrow.
There are some things that cannot be said in 140 or fewer characters. For this reason, Twitter offers a direct messaging option that allows users to communicate privately and in greater detail as needed. Historically, the catch to this system has been that users can only send private messages to those who are currently following them-sort of a problem in customer service circles where, for example, a customer cannot contact a company via direct message unless that company is following him or her.
For many website operators out there, the phrase Google algorithm changes is the kind of thing that leaves a cold chill in the pit of the stomach. It can make or break a website, and often has. This time around, the search algorithm changes will hinge on how mobile friendly a website actually is, and right now, some fairly big names are set to get hit by changes in search ranking.
Forty-two percent of merchants who support online channels are reporting an increase in fraud, which costs them $2.69 in fees per dollar of fraud. Large e-commerce merchants not only pay more per dollar of fraud, up to $2.33 in 2014 from $2.23 the previous year, but they also saw an increase in the amount of fraud lost to revenue, from 0.53 percent in 2013 to 0.85 percent in 2014. This increase in fraud losses is the result of a higher volume of fraudulent transactions; the average merchant suffered 133 successful fraudulent transactions per month in 2014, up 46 percent from last year.
If the headline sounds shocking, it's likely because FM radio has been a technological staple for decades. We turn to it for news, weather reports, and of course entertainment while in the car or even at home. But this technological mainstay is about to see its era come to an end, at least in Norway, where the Minister of Culture in the country has announced that FM radio in Norway will be gone starting in 2017, to be replaced entirely by digital radio.
The move to a la carte television-where customers choose what networks to have in their subscription packages-has been a hot topic for a couple of years as everyone from advocacy groups to John McCain have called for it. Consumers are simply tired of paying for channels that are never watched or unwanted to begin with.

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