| |  | | The choices we make... From Finish Strong by Dan Green. How did you do last year? What do want to achieve this year? With 2011 finished and 2012 beginning, this is the perfect time to evaluate your accomplishments and to set your goals for the coming year. Click here for today's message! | | | | Advertisement Be Financially Fit in 2013! This FREE eBook shows you how! Click Here! | |  | | The Power of Presence Presence is a noun, not a verb; it is a state of being, not doing. In it, there is an intimate connection with another that is perhaps too seldom felt in a society that strives for ever-faster... Read more >> | | | | Letting Go with Guy Finley by Guy Finley | | A Mistaken Idea about Happiness Question: Happiness is elusive! How do I let go of an ever-present feeling of being discontented? If there is one weed in a field of roses, you can bet the weed is what I will see. Answer: When...  | | Previous Posts: The Path to a New Kind of Strength | Find Your Fearless Nature | | | A Rabbi, a Hindu and a Lawyer | | | A rabbi, a Hindu and a lawyer were driving late at night in the country when their car broke down. They Click to Chuckle | | | | | GET MOTIVATED! | | | | | | | | In order to be a realist you must believe in miracles. - David Ben Gurion | | | | | | |
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