
Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Google Is A Company Destined To Be At Constant War With Other Companies

Business Insider: The Google Investor

Business Insider: The Google Investor

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Thursday, July 5, 2012
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GOOG Up Despite Market 
Markets are off despite a fall in initial jobless claims. Shares of GOOG are up against a sea of red. Investors continue look for Android momentum and monetization on smartphones and tablets; integration of Motorola; regaining ground in China; the resurgence of Google TV; continued growth of YouTube; expansion of social network Google +; and progress in other initiatives (location-based services, mapping, Google Wallet, Google Music, etc.). The stock trades at approximately 10.5x Enterprise Value / EBIT.

Google Shutting Down A Bunch Of Products (CNet)
On the chopping block: iGoogle, Google Video, Chatback, Google Mini, and the Symbian Search App. The five-product death notice is part of a "spring clean" the company started last fall. Google has never been averse to killing under-performing projects. Its most visible shutdowns are in the social sphere (Wave, Buzz, Friend Connect, Aardvark) but the company has also killed an offline platform with a lot of promise (Gears); the Linux version of Picasa; its knowledge-base experiment, Knol; and several other interesting experiments. Microsoft's head PR guy tried to make fun of closed Google projects only to have it blow up in his face.  Read »

Nokia CEO Should Be Fired For Going With WP Instead Of Android (The Next Web)
Former Apple executive and investor Jean-Louis Gassée criticizes Nokia’s board for allowing CEO Elop to overstate the impact of the Windows Phone products before they were released, also pouring scorn on the company for making its new range of devices all by obsolete months before Microsoft’s Windows Phone 8 platform would be released. "I told them to drop everything and go Android. Do it in secret and let the rumors fly… I would have used Nokia’s design flare to make very nice phones."  Read »

The Messaging Wars Are About To Begin (TechCrunch)
We’re on the cusp of a global conflict that will see the three most powerful consumer Internet companies fighting to win control of interpersonal communication. The war will pit Facebook’s unified Chat / Messages / Email vs Apple’s cross-device iMessage system vs. Google’s Gmail / GChat / Hangouts. By next month, these companies will each have their own robust messaging platforms featuring some combination of support for cross-desktop and mobile communication; real-time chat with text, photos, voice, and video, syndication to email; and SMS delivery as a backup. And Google may lose this war outright.  Read »

Remember When Google Was A Search Company? (TechCrunch)
It’s not exactly clear when Google ceased to be a search company. It became more like a company that wanted a finger in every pot in order to protect its future as a search company; Perhaps it was the early acquisition of Google Earth? Perhaps, but, if the marker only counts when viewed as a defensive measure, my guess would be the later acquisition of YouTube. Anyways, what is clear after this Google I/O is that Google is now a hardware company, a social company and a mobile company; And it’s a company destined to be at war with other companies.  Read »

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Heather Leonard is a former tech research associate at Goldman Sachs. She is the author of The Apple Investor, The Google Investor as well as The Microsoft Investor at Business Insider. When she's not keeping up with tech giants, she's either acting, writing TV shows or consulting private companies.
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