A while ago while attending Verizon’s Wireless App Event, I listened to the RIM people talk about the company’s push capability. I thought that was a key differentiator, so much so that I sat with an app developer friend to map out an app. Unfortunately, at the end of the day he built it on Android, because as a developer “the tools were there,” and since it involved call control it was not possible on the iPhone.
Now with BlackBerry 10 that ability and a few others including Flow IO, and timewarp again are inspiring me to think about building apps for BlackBerry devices. So now the question comes into play, will there be enough momentum to build for BlackBerry? The answer lies in the company’s HTML5 implementation. As we heard at DevCon5 last week, devices have been the victim of locked down drivers not being optimized for the browser and the browsers themselves have not been robust enough.
Ultimately as we move to the next phase of mobile computing the power will be in the browser. As node.js and several other interfaces are showing us, the backend is the cloud and the interface is the browser.
Now comes the tricky part; the device IO needs to make the browser work seamlessly. As Thorsten Heins did his best to be Steve Jobs-like, the part that I recognized as valuable was the way the apps were able to be referenced without having to go back to the app screen... Read More
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