
Jumat, 28 September 2018

Leaked Andreessen Horowitz data reveal how much Silicon Valley startups pay for talent


September 28, 2018


If you're joining a late-stage tech startup as a new vice president of sales, how much equity should you ask for?

What's a generous salary offer for a new chief technology officer at a young enterprise business?

How much is your boss really making?

In Silicon Valley's ultra-competitive job market, compensation information is a closely guarded secret. 

Business Insider has obtained the results of venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz's annual survey of Silicon Valley startup compensation. The data, which has never been publicly reported before, provides a revealing window into exactly how much top executives at up-and-coming startups are getting paid, spanning roughly 30 different roles from CEO to general counsel to head of sales.

Subscribe here to read our story: Leaked Andreessen Horowitz data reveal how much Silicon Valley startups pay for talent

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