
Minggu, 12 Juli 2020

The steepest declines for the travel industry are likely behind us–here’s how you can expect recovery to play out

Business Insider Intelligence



Travel in Times of COVID-19

How the Coronavirus Will Impact Bookings, Sales and Advertising

* This chart and data were pulled from eMarketer's Travel in Times of COVID-19 report. Purchase the report here to get immediate access to the full analysis.
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The coronavirus pandemic essentially brought the US travel industry to a standstill. With major conferences canceled and work-from-home orders in place across many companies, business travel quickly ground to a halt. Meanwhile, travel restrictions, fears of infection and uncertainty about personal economic situations quickly caused consumers to cancel or postpone their leisure travel plans.

According to our new forecast, US digital travel sales will fall by 44.7% to $115.27 billion in 2020. Our figures include leisure and unmanaged business travel sales from digital bookings of accommodations, airlines, car rentals, cruises, hotels and transportation.
  • Our forecast assumes that the biggest losses took place in Q1 and Q2 2020, and that sales will start to pick up somewhat in H2 as travel restrictions are eased.
  • According to forecasting and quantitative analysis firm Oxford Economics in an April 2020 report, travel industry revenues would decline by 86% and 75% during April and May. Gradually lessening declines were expected for the rest of the year, but losses would continue through December.
  • Not all sectors of the travel industry will be impacted equally, however. Food services were expected to suffer the greatest spending losses in 2020, at $128 billion from 2019, followed by...
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This is just a preview of the information and insights you'll find in the Travel in Times of COVID-19 report by eMarketer. Purchase the report today for $995 to access the full analysis.
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