
Senin, 14 Mei 2018

How Wall Street’s best stock picker fine-tunes his team to perfection


May 14, 2018

Welcome to Finance Insider, Business Insider's summary of the top stories of the past 24 hours. Sign up here to get the best of Business Insider delivered direct to your inbox.

Goldman Sachs announced on Monday that securities coheads Isabelle Ealet and Pablo Salame were both retiring from the firm.

Their exits leave Ashok Varadhan as the sole head, and he will be joined in the day-to-day management of the division by five executives, who are likely now vying for the opportunity to join him as a cohead of the business.

Meet the contenders duking it out to run Goldman Sachs' vaunted sales and trading division.

Elsewhere in Goldman Sachs news, a top banker left for rival Morgan Stanley — but now she's changed her mind.

And in other finance news, Morgan Stanley is using a Jeopardy game on Amazon's Alexa to connect with its clients at home. And bonuses are about to soar across Wall Street — and a group left for dead might wind up the biggest winner.

And in markets news: 

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