
Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

The iPad Is Quickly Becoming Our Primary Computer

CHART OF THE DAY: The iPad Is Quickly Becoming Our Primary Computer

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Friday, July 20, 2012
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The iPad Is Quickly Becoming Our Primary Computer

We ran a survey of our readers about how they use the iPad. This was the third survey we've run since the iPad was released. As a result, we can see an evolution people's attitude towards the iPad.

We had over 2,000 responses to this survey, and all of the charts are interesting. However, this is one we want to highlight.

As you can see, after just three years, the iPad is becoming the primary computer for users. When we first ran the survey, only 29.1% of people said it was a primary computer. Today, it's 46.7% of users.

In the last three years, the iPad has gotten lighter and more powerful. Additionally, developers have built a variety of applications to make it more useful. Imagine what's going to happen in the next three years.

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