
Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Maybe Google+ Isn't Dead

Business Insider: The Google Investor

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Thursday, July 19, 2012
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GOOG Up With Markets
The market is still up despite initial claims missing expectations. Shares of GOOG are up with tech. Google will announce earnings TONIGHT after the close. Investors continue look for Android momentum and monetization of smartphones and tablets; integration of Motorola; regaining ground in China; the resurgence of Google TV; continued growth of YouTube; expansion of social network Google +; and progress in other initiatives (location-based services, mapping, Google Wallet, Google Music, etc.). The stock trades at approximately 10.4x Enterprise Value / EBIT.

Google reports earnings after the close tonight. Join us for live commentary of the release as well as the conference call. Check out our earnings preview. Read »

What Google+ Is Doing To Compete With Facebook (socialmediatoday)
Alongside recent news reports of Google+ surpassing LinkedIn in monthly unique viewers, Facebook’s comparatively negative ACS score, and the Facebook stock taking a nosedive, Google+ is looking to make a huge power move in the eyes of the Internet. It is steadily gaining an impressive number of visitors and members, while keeping their customers happy with improvements and additions to their product. It’s going to take a lot to pry Facebook from the persistent fingers of the online world, but for those looking for an alternative, Google+ is only getting stronger. Read »

Just When You Thought You Could Ignore Google+, Users Spike (Hypebot)
You've been trying to ignore Google+. Many of us have. After all, who needs another social network?  Apparently, a lot of people. New numbers from Compete measuring U.S. unique visitors on social networks in June 2012 show Google+ reaching 31.9 million in June (5x less than Facebook, however). That's an increase of 43% compared to May 2012. In the States, Google+ is now bigger than LinkedIn. Read »

Admit It: Google Is No Longer A Tech Company (TechCrunch)
Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel offer wildly differing views on the state of the technology industry. Thiel says the "intellectually honest thing to do" would be to admit that "Google is no longer a technology company." Schmidt says that there are “limits that are not cash” such as recruiting, real estate, and government regulation. He also pointed out a few examples outside of search where Google innovations seem to be paying off. The argument over Google is indicative of a larger divide. Read »

Chrome for iOS Has Crappy Market Share (TechCrunch)
According to the latest data from online advertising network Chitika, Chrome for iOS currently has a market share of about 1.5%. About 14.5% of iOS users currently surf the web on a platform other than the stock Safari browser at 85%. Most of this traffic, it’s worth noting, doesn’t necessarily come from dedicated third-party browsers but from people who arrive on a given site through an app like Facebook. It remains to be seen how well Chrome for iOS will do in the months to come. Read »

Get complete Google coverage on Business Insider. Read »

Heather Leonard is a former tech research associate at Goldman Sachs. She is the author of The Apple Investor, The Google Investor as well as The Microsoft Investor at Business Insider. When she's not keeping up with tech giants, she's either acting, writing TV shows or consulting private companies.
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