
Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Let Apple Be Apple and Buy RIM - Mobility TechZone

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July 18, 2012

Let Apple Be Apple and Buy RIM

This thought occurred to me as I contemplated the issues facing Microsoft. As Microsoft continues to innovate and adopt HTML5, as will be discussed at DEVCON5 next week, its enterprise customers continue to prolong their adoption curve. It takes enterprises a while to embrace the change, but, even worse, it adds to a requirements list that makes Microsoft take the heat for its customers.

Meanwhile, in Apple land, the consumer is given everything on a silver platter (well mostly aluminum). With Apple, many IT execs have been frustrated by the visiting representative telling them that no specification will be considered. 

And for the short term, Apple does not see the need to consider the enterprise requirements. As I have stated in previous articles, Apple’s got two big markets it sees as blue oceans. The first is the taking over of the search requests of its existing customer base. Besides Maps, the use of Siri answers searches from internal resources. The second market is China, which indicates that growth requires massive numbers to make a dent on the percentages... Read More

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