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| Finish Strong: Teen Athlete
"I can do all things through him who strengthens me.."
-Philippians 4:13 A teen's journey of faith is enriched through sports. More than competitions, they are gateways to wisdom and steps to climb, from which athletes may reach new understandings of God's message. They are not only opportunities for teens to become champions of games, but for them to become champions of faithfaith that will empower them to overcome any challenges that they may face later on in their lives. | | | Finish Strong: Teen Athlete is Dan Green's follow up to his best-selling book Finish Strong (the book and the mantra the New Orleans Saints used along their journey to become the 2009 Super Bowl Champions). The book identifies 16 key principles for developing the champion within, and no matter which sport is played, any teen athlete (male or female) can learn from it. With "quick hit chapters" and visually stimulating graphics, teens will benefit from this inspiring collection of stories and lessons learned. It has the potential to be life changing, and can help them along their lifelong journeys of faith.
Today I would like to share with you a powerful story from the book. It is an example of a teenager who, through high school football, held on to his trust in God and kept his faith strong in the midst of tragedy. It is entitled "Faith to Move On." | From Finish Strong Teen Athlete by Dan Green | Darius Poole was one of the lucky ones. In August 2008, the Melrose High School wide receiver was relaxing at home with his family in Orange Mound, a community in Memphis, Tennessee, when their apartment caught fire. Only Darius and a younger brother, De'Andre, escaped. His mother, five siblings, and two cousins did not.
The tragedy drew the community together. Recalling the kind of crowd that Darius might have seen on Friday nights rooting his team on to victory, more than 1,000 people joined him in mourning his family.
Just weeks later, Darius returned to the team, astonishing his teammates with his faith and his tenacity as he recovered from the burns and the psychological scars he carried.
"It's unbelievable," coach Hubbard Alexander said of Darius' return. "I don't see how he can do it. We're not pushing him. He's setting his own pace, and it's like he hasn't missed a beat." In November, Darius scored his first touchdown of the season in a playoff win against rival Brighton.
Every time he scores six, Darius said, he points to the heavens and holds up seven fingers, a tribute to his lost family members and an acknowledgement of his faith.
With the support of teammates, Darius' return to football - and to life - has been made a little bit easier. But it may have been a visit to the hospital in the aftermath of the tragedy that set Darius on the right path. Coach Justin Terry, who also teaches at Melrose High, comforted Darius in the hours after his loss (both Darius and his brother, Dion, who died in the fire, were students of Terry). "I told him, 'Son, God has something in store for you and your brother (De'Andre) to survive and help your family out,' Terry said. 'There's something in store for you right away.'"
In the life of Darius Poole, faith has a new meaning: trust that things will work out, even after a tragedy so great that beliefs are pushed to the breaking point. Darius found peace through the support of his teammates, coaches and community - and by remembering the joy his family brought to him.
"I think about all the good that they did, the things that just make me smile," he said. "The days I think about it, I just pray." Faith and hard work will get you there, just over the horizon. Sometimes, to FINISH STRONG, you have to find a way - or make one. | | |  | We do not have the power to choose all of our life's situations. What we do have is the ability to trust that God has purposes for them. As Darius demonstrated, it is not our purpose to worry about figuring out a higher plan that we do not and will not understand, but to simply fulfill it, whatever it may be, and to remember to have fun along the way.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not upon your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path." -Proverbs 3:5-6
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For more information, to look inside this great book or to view the inspiring movie, just click here. All the Best,
 Mac Anderson
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