What adoption curve will fourth generation mobile networks take, especially the new Long Term Evolution networks? Right now, only one service provider in the United States, Verizon (News
- Alert) Wireless, has a full year of operation to talk about.
Clearwire, which mostly has grown on the strength of its WiMAX 4G network, ended the second quarter 2011 with approximately 7.65 million total subscribers, up 365 percent from 1.64 million subscribers in the second quarter 2010. Clearwire subscribers
But keep in mind that Clearwire also had a five year to six year period where its growth was rather measured, not to mention that it began life offering a fixed-only wireless alternative to fixed network broadband.
The subscriber base consists of 1.29 million retail subscribers and 6.36 million wholesale subscribers.
One year after its launch, Verizon Wireless's 4G LTE (News - Alert) network has failed to capture the imagination of the public, who still seem to prefer the slower-connecting Apple iPhone by large margins, argues Paul Kapustka of Sidecut Reports... Read More