
Rabu, 06 April 2011

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Platypus is made for exploration above and below the water

Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:17 PM PDT

I have reported on a lot of small submarines and other underwater vehicles that I could not afford.

This Platypus (named for an animal which is semi-aquatic) is a small underwater vehicle that is able to go above water as good as some underwater. As you can see, the drivers can sit on this thing below the waterline and control the Platypus from there. Of course, the drivers have to be wearing scuba gear, and the pontoons have some sort of integrated compressor which supplies air hoses.

The Platypus can travel up to 8 hours above the water at speeds of 10 to 12 knots, and if you go underwater, the speed is about 3 to 4 knots.

It definitely looks like a really fun vehicle for tropical vacations. This way, you can see some green turtles or other schools of fish up close and personal.

I’m not certain what would happen if the underwater gear of the diver drivers should fail underwater, but it looks like they can stand on that thing they are sitting on and take a breath.

Right now, the Platypus is just a concept vehicle for now, but I would imagine that it wouldn’t take long for this to be available to rent at the tourist trap public beaches.


Cool Gift Idea: Digital Picture Frames, check out our reviews.
[ Platypus is made for exploration above and below the water copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Tempest Freerunning Academy brings video game fantasies to life

Posted: 06 Apr 2011 03:54 PM PDT

I think we all know that video game characters can do some pretty amazing things. Whether it be Lara Croft or Mario, we all would like to wall-jump or do things that would otherwise be impossible without proper training.

I would imagine that this has given rise to the fad known as freerunning, also known as parkour. I’m sure that you have seen movies like District B13 and Live Free or Die Hard where characters engage in chase scenes that take them from building to building, or the action game Mirror’s Edge.

If you want to know more about parkour, you can watch the video after the jump. It is the Tempest Freerunning Academy in California. I suppose that the closest thing that this could be called is an adult playground, but not in the sense of an adult movie.

This video has been showing up everywhere, with many comparing it to Super Mario Brothers or some other platforming video game. It does have that feel to it, and that new Super Mario Brothers for the Wii makes it possible for four characters to jump around. However, in the video game, the Mario family never got hurt when they hit each other. No one seems to be running into each other in this video, which would definitely result in an obvious injury.


Coolest Gadgets UK – For all your UK centric tech and gadget news.
[ Tempest Freerunning Academy brings video game fantasies to life copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Takara Tomy’s Manekko P-Chan talking parakeet toy

Posted: 06 Apr 2011 03:25 PM PDT

I’m not certain what Manekko P-Chan means, but according to Takara Tomy, it must mean something like “talking parakeet toy”.

I suppose that this could be a new way to Twitter, and I only say that because it looks like the Twitter logo. At least the blue one does. You can check out how it works on the video directly after the jump.

The P-Chan will repeat what you say twice, just seconds after hearing from you. It has a maximum of four seconds per phrase, but you can also put phrases on it to store in its memory so it can repeat them at random times.

The maximum allotted phrases are three, but spouting them at random will make it sound like a real parakeet. Of course, it will probably do this in the dark, when you are trying to sleep.

By the way, the P-Chan can actually say some pre-programmed sentences. The blue one is a romanticist for saying things like “I love you so much” and such.

Each of these P-Chan artificial parakeets weigh in at 46 grams and is powered by LR44 button batteries. I don’t seem to have a price on these guys, but I am guessing that they will only be available in Japan.


Coolest Gadgets UK – For all your UK centric tech and gadget news.
[ Takara Tomy’s Manekko P-Chan talking parakeet toy copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Handheld Disinfectant Steam Cleaner

Posted: 06 Apr 2011 06:00 AM PDT

Are you a paranoid android when it comes to keeping everything around you free from bacteria and viruses as much as possible, just like Jack Nicholson’s character in “As Good As It Gets”? Chances are pretty high then you would be interested to hear me out on the Handheld Disinfectant Steam Cleaner. The name itself more or less tells the whole story, as this handheld cleaning device is capable of emitting a disinfectant and steam to get rid of up to 99.99% of harmful bacteria and viruses.

Don’t worry about the environment, since this is a 100% vegetable-based, nontoxic cleaning solution that is capable of being the scourge for bacteria like E. Coli and Staphylococcus, but safe enough for use on countertops and places where children and pets play. The device will emit steam at 203ยบ F which makes short work of mold and germs, while a quartet of brush attachments will go about removing dirt and grime from tile and grout.

The cleaner can heat up in as little as three minutes, featuring a couple of steam nozzles and a window squeegee. Since it is roughly the size of a water pitcher, it is a snap to tote around, emitting steam and disinfectant together or separately. Would you fork out $99.95 for some peace of mind?

Check out the Coolest Gadgets 2008 Gift Guides, Christmas shopping made easy.
[ Handheld Disinfectant Steam Cleaner copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Lenco 2.1 High Powered Speakerball

Posted: 06 Apr 2011 06:00 AM PDT

We know that you think your entire iPod playlist is the bomb – perhaps this is why you are strangely drawn towards the bomb-like Lenco 2.1 High Powered Speakerball? Coming in a choice of black or white colors, this speaker retails for £79.99 a pop and is said to deliver truly explosive sound – let your ears be the judge! Of course, if you listen to Britney Spears and Justin Bieber, then chances are pretty good your ears are alread shot right from the beginning.

The Lenco 2.1 High Powered Speakerball intends to literally raise the roof as you play your favorite tunes on this, as this self-contained 2.1 audio system is compatible with just about any iPod or iPhone docked inside, as it doubles up as a charger to boot.

The Speakerball will feature its own equaliser settings that are able to adjust the treble and bass, or you can also opt to take the lazy way out by choosing preset Rock, Pop, Classic and Jazz modes.

Cool Gift Idea: Digital Picture Frames, check out our reviews.
[ Lenco 2.1 High Powered Speakerball copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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FinePix Z900 EXR intends to marry substance and style

Posted: 06 Apr 2011 05:30 AM PDT

The merger of both style and substance is always high on the list of priorities for many hardware manufacturers, and Fujifilm is no different with their latest FinePix Z900 EXR. This model will be the latest addition to their range this spring, where it intends to take over where the Z800EXR left off by coming in an eye-catching high gloss finish not to mention a wide selection of Fujifilm’s latest technologies.

Beauty is not only skin dip in this matter, so we shall take a closer look at what the FinePix Z900 EXR is capable of delivering in the extended post. Basically, if you’re looking for a new digital camera and can’t really decide on what to get simply because there are too many choices out there, this consumer class model ought to fit the bill perfectly.

Inside the FinePix Z900EXR lies an all-new 16 megapixel EXR-CMOS sensor, which incidentally can also be found inside premium FinePix models such as the HS20EXR and F550EXR. This sensor will merge two cutting edge technologies that deliver brilliant pictures under any lighting conditions, regardless of whether you’re shooting outside in bright sunlight, or indoors in subdued lighting.

Of course, with the help of a Back Side Illuminated (BSI) sensor and triple-layer EXR array, your images will definitely look good since the latter adds further versatility by modifying its behaviour according to the picture-taking situation. If you want a true blue hands-off experience, then the Z900EXR can pick the correct setting itself by selecting the EXR Auto mode, although you have the option of choosing from three manual options.

Apart from that, there is also an improved user interface that makes sure the camera is easier and more pleasant to use. Gone are the days of pixellated graphics, so your eyes are treated to rounded text and graphics courtesy of Vector fonts and Flash-based animation. Other hardware specifications include :-

  • 16 megapixel EXR-CMOS sensor
  • 5x optical zoom covering 28-140mm (35mm equivalent)
  • 3.5 inch touch-screen LCD with Multi Touch functionality
  • Rich User Interface using Vector fonts/graphics and Flash animation
  • CMOS Shift Image Stabilisation
  • Up to ISO 6400
  • 1600% wide dynamic range
  • High speed shooting up to 12 frames per second
  • Full HD movie capture using H.264 (MOV) format
  • Mini HDMI port
  • New EXR Auto mode featuring 27 scenes
  • 360° Panorama mode

Press Release

Conference Calendar – The global conference and expo finder.
[ FinePix Z900 EXR intends to marry substance and style copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Gadget Thumbnails for 05-Apr-2011

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 10:01 PM PDT

Tobii releases Tobii PCEye to help the impaired use a computer

Posted: 06 Apr 2011 05:00 AM PDT

Tobii has just announced that they will be rolling out the Tobii PCEye – and just in case you’re left scratching your head and wondering what this is, it is one of the most advanced stand-alone eye control device that is currently available on the market, delivering the wonders and magic of eye control over to the standard computer. Of course, it is said to be easy to use, is highly accurate and portable to boot – making it is compatible with a wide range of software in order to offer total access to just about any personal computer.

It is a marvel to think that the Tobii PCEye is capable of translating eye movement to a mouse cursor on a screen flawlessly . Primarily designed for folks who want an alternative method for controlling a mouse and a computer, all you need to do is to hook up the device to a computer display and connect the USB cable, making it a snap even for those who have impaired motor skills. Through standard movements like gazing, blinking or dwelling on an item with their eyes, you are able to wield your mastery over the cursor on the display.

According to Tara Rudnicki, president of Tobii Assistive Technology, "With Tobii PCEye we can proudly reach out to new, not yet serviced user groups with our AAC products. We have already seen massive interest from the Stroke, MND and ALS communities, people in different rehab situations, military veterans, people suffering from progressive muscle weakness or neurodegenerative disorders, and education institutions. We are also overwhelmed by the attention we have received from the development community to extend into AAC eye games."

It is interesting to note that the PCEye will rely heavily on Tobii's leading experience in eye tracking technology, allowing it to effectively track nearly every user regardless of eye color, lighting conditions, environments or head movement. Hopefully it is affordable enough for the masses, too!

Press Release

Introducing Foolish Gadgets because not all gadgets are cool :)
[ Tobii releases Tobii PCEye to help the impaired use a computer copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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The 3D Hero System – Because Two Cameras are Better AS One

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 07:28 PM PDT

The 3D HERO System is a modular casing design that lets customers combine two 1080p HD HERO cameras to form a single, really cool, 1080p 3D camera… and the world’s smallest and least expensive one at that. Waterproof to 180 feet, the 3D HERO System can be worn on the body, mounted on gear and vehicles, and used as a handheld camera.  A dual-camera, polycarbonate, waterproof housing holds the two cameras together and something called a synchronization cable plugs into the back of each camera, enabling them to function as a single camera and a single shutter button controls both cameras.

“The 3D HERO System is exciting for a lot of reasons, one of them being that it’s not just a 3D camera. It’s really several cameras in one, depending on how the consumer wants to use it,” says Nicholas Woodman, GoPro’s founder and CEO. “That you can take two GoPro cameras that you would normally use independently and combined them to form a new type of camera, a 3D camera…that’s extremely cool. GoPro is excited to be the first company to build a camera this versatile.”

“In addition to being a top selling consumer camera, the HD HERO camera is used by more professional production crews in the broadcast and film industry than any other camera in its class,” adds Woodman. “We expect the 3D HERO System to further establish the HD HERO as one of the most versatile cameras in the world.”

The 3D HERO System housing is only 5 inches in length and 2.5 inches high and sells for around $99.00 bucks, but GoPro’s 1080p HD HERO cameras are NOT included with the 3D HERO System, they are sold separately, starting at around $259.99 per camera at GoPro retailers everywhere.


Introducing Foolish Gadgets because not all gadgets are cool :)
[ The 3D Hero System – Because Two Cameras are Better AS One copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Skataz motorized skates

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 06:48 PM PDT

It seems like I have written on a lot of motorized skateboards and skates, and I suppose I might as well add to the mix with the Skataz.

Anyone know how to pronounce this? Is it just like “skates”, “ska-tazz” or “skate-azz”. I believe there is a video below that has the answer.

Anyway, it is powered by a 350 watt motor, which is good for about 13.5 miles per hour. The user controls the speed with a wired remote.

The thing about Skataz is that it is not an electric skate, but it is a culture. Skataz is trying to sell their skates, and they are also looking for investors for creating skate parks for the Skataz. I guess that would be Skataz parks.

I’m sort of wondering if we are looking at a future where all skateboards, skates, and any other wheels that go on the feet will all be motorized. Isn’t that going to be a strange time? I wonder if there will be diehards that will insist on going around without any motors.

Yes, the future is looking bright for Skataz, especially when it looks very easy to learn with the two wheels in front, so it is easier to balance.


Check out the Coolest Gadgets 2008 Gift Guides, Christmas shopping made easy.
[ Skataz motorized skates copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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