
Rabu, 06 April 2011

Devastating Effects to Environment Due to Japan's Radiation Leaks - TMCnet's Green eNews

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April 05, 2011

Devastating Effects to Environment Due to Japan's Radiation Leaks

Today, the operator at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant said that it has found traces of radioactive iodine that is a staggering 7.5 million times the legal limit. This sample of seawater was taken from right near the facility, forcing the Japanese government to begin a health limit for radioactivity in fish.

Radiation can cause many harsh consequences to any form of life—whether it be human, plants or animals. The high levels of radiation we are seeing in these first few seawater samples are unfortunately more than likely just the beginning.

Radiation can damage living things not just at a cellular level, but on a genetic level as well. In rare cases, damaged cells can repair themselves, but in most situations once the damage happens—it cannot be reversed. Genetic damage can be catastrophic as the radiation can damage a cell's DNA so bad, that it will result in a cellular mutation that can lead to various forms of cancer... Read More

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