
Selasa, 19 Mei 2020

Consumers are concerned about spending – here’s how the coronavirus has dramatically altered shopping and at-home behaviors

Business Insider Intelligence
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US Consumer Confidence amid the Coronavirus Pandemic: Americans Are Worried About Work, Hunkered Down with TV

The Pandemic and Consumer Sentiment

* This chart and data were pulled from eMarketer's US Consumer Confidence amid the Coronavirus Pandemic report. Purchase the report here at a discounted $945 to get immediate access to the full analysis.
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These are uncertain times. Most people in the US are living under stay-at-home orders and attempting to stay far enough apart from others to minimize spreading COVID-19. That means working from home, job losses, new routines, and new worries.

Life is different during a pandemic, and that includes shopping. In most states, most retail businesses are closed, and most that are open are doing business differently, with practices like curbside pickup or other social distancing efforts.
  • According to Morning Consult's weekly coronavirus survey tracker, 47% of US adults said they were spending less during the pandemic as of April 10-12. Just 21% said they were spending more. A week later, from April 17-19, only 18% of adults reported spending more, while 49% were spending less.
  • Other polling conducted around the same time, by Coresight Research, found that a little more than half of respondents said they were buying more within certain categories. Only about three in 10 said they were already...
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*Offer expires at 11:59pm EST on May 19th.
This is just a preview of the information and insights you'll find in the US Consumer Confidence amid the Coronavirus Pandemic report by eMarketer. Purchase the report today at a discounted $945 to access the full analysis.
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